Skip the traditional nursery and create bold, bright feature wall! Here’s how to paint a geometric wall in your nursery, with three colors of paint and wooden initial letters. It’s easy and creates a fun look that everyone, kids included, will love.
I’ve been talking a lot lately about how my boys are almost two! I can’t believe that my tiny babies have been in our lives for almost two full years. They are such a joy and I am loving the toddler stage (yes, it’s hard, but I swear, nothing will be as hard as caring for two infants!!). Some days are hard, but overall I think we’ve been blessed with two fairly easy-going and fun kiddos who love each other (and us!) so much.
The other day, I went to tidy up their nursery. They drop a lot of toys and books between their cribs, so I pulled the cribs out from the wall so I could get everything out.
Guys, it was so so gross. I expected dust bunnies and dog hair (we have a giant Bernese mountain dog), but I didn’t expect to see just how filthy the wall itself was! Two years of baby hands and feet rubbing against the flat paint created dirty stripes down the wall. At first I thought it was a shadow, but nope, it was just grime combined with dried spilled milk. I am embarrassed to share this photo, but you have to see this to believe it.
Ew ew ew ew.
Knowing that it was there totally grossed me out, so we made a plan to paint that wall. We actually decided to paint the whole room because that wasn’t the only place that needed a fresh coat of paint (I won’t even talk about what the wall near the changing table looks like, but parents, you can imagine!). I wanted to give that particular wall a bold new paint treatment. I figure they’re getting a little older so they can have something a little less nursery and a little more bright and cheery little boy room!
So off I went to pick paint. Did you guys know that Target sells an exclusive line of paint? How handy is that! If you’re like me, you’re in Target at least five times a week. Devine Color + Target makes it easy to pick up paint to go along with so many of Target’s awesome lines of decor, much of which has found a home in the boys’ room. You can find Devine Color over in the home improvement section, by the light bulbs and wall hooks and such. You can also order online if you’re not headed to Target any time soon.
Seriously, though, let’s all admit we practically live there. *solidarity*
I’ve used Target’s line of Devine Color by Valspar paint a dozen times before on small projects, like my Geometric Mountains and Lost Sock Holder. Devine Pond has been a particular favorite color of mine for a long time (uh, bright teal? YES PLEASE.), so I knew I wanted to use it in this project. I also picked up deep blue Devine Compass and whisper-light Devine Horizon to create a pretty trifecta of hues for the wall.
Compared to some of my other paint projects, this particular design was a breeze. I started by taping off the top “triangle” for the lightest paint color, Devine Horizon. This is also the color that we’re painting the rest of the room. It’s similar to the paint color we originally had, but a little brighter and the eggshell finish will hold up significantly better than the flat paint. Plus it’s zero VOC so it’s perfect for using in a nursery.
Once my two coats of Devine Horizon had dried, I peeled up the tape, and added my second “triangle” below it. I gave myself an overlap of about 1/2″, so that none of the old paint would show through.
Once that dried, I taped again and finished up with two coats of deep Devine Compass, and voila! The wall was done.
But I was not done! I also picked up a big wooden C and S to hang over their cribs. I decided to paint them with white Devine Lightning to make them pop on the painted wall.
I decided to change out the dark curtains for the graphic black and white curtains I sewed a while back to brighten up the space. We’re putting up a blackout roller shade so our boys will still sleep. But I love how much brighter the room is with the lighter curtains.
We also recently got a set of metal chairs from the Pillowfort line in “Aquamint” and they look fabulous next to the cribs. The boys love having chairs that are their size, and they sit in them and page through their favorite books.
Or, if I’m being honest, they push them over to the light switch and turn the lights on and off, on and off, until the end of time. Because…toddlers
As I was putting their room back together, I realized just how much Target decor I have in that room. Our favorite set of crib sheets from the Oh Joy! line (ours are sold out since they are two years old, but there are other cute designs and they are SO SOFT). We also have two Nate Berkus embroidered quilts that echo the black and white in the curtains.
Top it all off with their stuffed bear (named Pablo) and it’s the perfect little toddler bedroom for our boys! They both love the new wall and can’t stop pointing at it. They were so excited to finally be able to touch it this afternoon.
For another beautiful wall mural design, check out my blog for this awesome looking Painted Flower Wall Mural Artwork and this adorable pillow to make for your little’s nursery – Sweet Dreams SVG!
Comments & Reviews
Amy @Stroller lab says
I really loved the paintings! Also, she is so cute!