These fun and fanciful candy cane clip art and SVG cut files are a delicious addition to any holiday project! Use them on Christmas cards, gift tags, party invites, and more!
Important holiday question: should candy canes only be peppermint? I am in the “no way!” camp. I love all the different kinds and colors of candy canes that are available this season. My favorite are the cherry ones, followed closely by orange. Not that they taste like actual fruit, of course. But I love them nonetheless.
And, I do love peppermint, too! Give me all the candy canes in all of their sticky goodness! I can’t wait for my boys to try their first candy cane this year, too!
You’ll get an array of colors, so you don’t have to be a peppermint purist if you don’t want to be. Go ahead—have a purple candy cane!
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