Print these four adorable Koala Valentines with this free download! Who wouldn’t want to get a cute koala in their mailbox on Valentine’s Day? A cute Valentine for friends and classmates!
These koala valentines are absolutely adorable and you can download them for free! Everyone loves a good pun valentine, so let friends and classmates know they are “koala-ty!” And tell that special someone “I love you-calyptus!” These valentines are sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.
Did you know koalas sleep, on average, 18 hours a day and can eat 2.2lbs of eucalyptus branches a day? Living the good life right there. Sleeping and eating. #goals
Your kids will love handing these koala valentines out to their classmates. They are so much cuter than store-bought valentines, but so easy to make with your home printer. They are also perfect if your budget is tight this year since they are free to download, or if you forgot it was Valentine’s Day and now you’re panicking to find something for your kid to take to school!
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Want access to this free file? Join my FREE craft library! All you need is the password to get in, which you can get by filling out the form below. The file number is: P20.
For the best quality (koala-ty!) print your valentines on your home printer using sturdy cardstock, or take them to your local print shop to be printed.
Trim using a paper trimmer or scissors. I also like using a rotary blade, ruler, and cutting mat.
Kids are going to love these koala valentines!
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