Encourage your kids to read more with this free printable reading challenge! Your kids will have fun crossing books off the list as they work their way down this fun, colorful bookshelf!
How are you, my friends? We’re on week three of social distancing in our home as the world comes to grips with COVID-19. I truly hope you are staying safe and healthy, no matter your situation. It’s HARD.
For those of you with small kids, you might be looking for more ideas for keeping your littles entertained. Goodness, it’s a LOT for those of us who counted on school for a number of hours each week. At our house, we’re on a steady rotation of LEGO building, ABCmouse.com, perler beads, outside time, and reading.
So much reading!
Since we are moving later this year, we had the idea to take all of our children’s books and put them in a big stack. Now we’re reading through them, one by one, deciding which ones we love and want to keep, and which ones are going in the donation pile. It’s a fun way to revisit some books we haven’t read in a while!
If you’re looking for additional ideas to get your kids reading, this free printable reading challenge is a lot of fun! Go on the hunt to cross off all ten books on this colorful bookshelf. Your kids will have a blast picking out books to meet this challenge—and maybe you’ll find some new favorites in the process!
Get the Free File
Want access to this free file? Join my FREE craft library! All you need is the password to get in, which you can get by filling out the form below. The file number is: P76.
Looking for more fun ideas to do with your kids right now? Try these fun printables!
- Kindness Challenge
- Roll the Dice Exercise Game
- Indoor Scavenger Hunt
- Alphabet Bingo
- LEGO Challenge
- Back Yard Scavenger Hunt
- Reading Challenge
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