This modern and quirky quilt block clip art set is perfect for all of your creative projects! Use them on business cards, quilt labels, quilt bee fliers, and more!
Happy Friday, my favorite makers! As summer is winding down and kids are headed back to school, I am really itching for fall. Warm drinks, fall colors, and cool evenings on the patio with a quilt on my lap (this pumpkin quilt pattern is adorable — definitely going on my must-sew list!).
Too bad I live in Northern California, where summer doesn’t let go of its dry hot grip until November.
*side eye*
In the meantime, I’m sitting in my air conditioned house, starting to plan for fall projects — and quilting is right up there on my list. I haven’t done a lot of sewing since the boys were born, but I’m feeling like my sewing machine is beckoning me this fall (especially with word the new Cricut Maker will cut fabric, including pieces for quilting!!).
I designed some quilt cut files a few weeks ago, but today I wanted to give you another quilty freebie today — nine different quilt clip art files! They are perfect for all the stuff that goes along with quilting — labels, tags, quilt bee fliers, business cards, and the like.
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