Document all the reasons why your child is special, funny, talented, and adorable every year on their birthday with this printable Birthday Questionnaire! It’s a fun birthday tradition to start when your kids are young!
We have a big birthday in our family today! Our twin boys turn THREE! I can’t believe that we’ve had the joy of being their parents for three years. I talked a little bit about my little loves over on Instagram—make sure to check out these adorable photos of Callum and Sebastian. When they were really young, I couldn’t wait to get out of the baby stage (momming two infants is…hard). But now that they’re really starting to become their own people, I pretty much want to beg time to slow down. They are so much fun and bring so much happiness to our lives. We always start their birthday with balloons in bed—it’s a fun birthday tradition!
Since I can’t slow down time, I am trying to make sure I’m documenting it, usually in photos. But this year I created a fun birthday questionnaire that I plan to have them do every year while they are kids. I’m looking forward to seeing how their answers change as they grow! There are a bunch of fun questions here that you’re kids are going to love answering.
I actually took these project photos a week before their birthday and guessed what Sebastian’s answers would be. I was asking him these questions this morning as he at his birthday breakfast and his answers cracked me up. Turns out, I was right about his favorite color, toy, and TV show, but instead of answering that his twin brother Cal is his best friend, he said his best friend is Rubble from Paw Patrol. And he said his favorite food is oatmeal. Ha! Both of my boys are constantly making me laugh!
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Comments & Reviews
Heidi Kundin says
This is such a fun idea!
Cori George says
Thanks so much, Heidi!