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All three halloween t-shirts
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Looking for a last-minute Halloween costume? These shirts are so easy to make using HTV! Just cut these free Halloween SVG files using your Cricut and apply with a heat press. These easy Halloween costume shirts can be made in less than 15 minutes!
Keyword: Costumes, Halloween, SVG
Servings: 0
Author: Cori George



  • Set up the File in Cricut Design Space
    Start by uploading the file you downloaded from the craft library. For this project all three shirts are being made, but if you are making just one, you can delete or hide the images you aren't using.
    Cricut Design Space: file uploaded
  • Measure your shirt so you can determine the right size for your project.
    hands measuring shirt for transfer size
  • Resize your images. The skeleton has been re-colored so that it won't cut on the same mat as the eyes for the emoji.
    Cricut Design Space: images resized
  • That's it! Hit Make in the upper right. In the Load screen, choose On Mat (unless you are using Smart HTV).
    Cricut Design Space: load screen with "on mat" selected
  • Because we are using HTV you'll want to mirror each layer in the Prepare screen. This is so that your images aren't backwards (not as important with these particular designs, but very important for designs with text).
    Cricut Design Space: preview screen showing each layer is mirrored
  • Click Continue and select your material. The Everyday Iron On setting was used for the black smooth glitter and the regular HTV, and the Holographic Iron On setting for the holographic glam HTV.
    Cricut Design Space: Make screen showing Everyday Iron On as material selection
  • Cricut Design Space: Make screen showing Holographic Iron On as material selection
  • Cutting Your HTV
    Next it's time to cut our HTV! Use a brayer to help adhere the HTV to the mat. Each of these is cut with the shiny carrier sheet down. You can learn more in this post How to Use HTV.
    Hands using brayer on black glitter HTV
  • Hands using brayer on rainbow glam HTV
  • Hands using brayer on pink HTV
  • Insert your mat into your Cricut and your Cricut will cut your HTV!
  • Weeding Your HTV
    The next step is to remove all of the excess HTV we don't need in our images. To do this, use a weeding hook to pull up that excess HTV. These are pretty easy images to weed, but if you need help, see this post called Weeding Iron On Vinyl that offers tips and tricks for making it easy.
    hands weeding black glitter HTV
  • hands weeding rainbow glam HTV
  • hands weeding pink HTV
  • Making Your Halloween Costume Shirts
    All we have left to do is apply our HTV to our shirts!
    Start by pre-pressing your shirts for 10-15 seconds. This removes any moisture and gives you a nice flat pressing surface.
    Hands pre-pressing the pink t-shirt
  • Hands pre-pressing the black t-shirt
  • Hands pressing the yellow t-shirt with an EasyPress
  • Then add your design to your shirt. The jack-o-lantern and skeleton are single layers, so they are very simple.
    hands placing jack-o-lantern decal on pink shirt
  • hands placing skeleton decal on pink shirt
  • The emoji is two layers, so add both of them, with the black mouth piece on the bottom, to get an idea of the layout for the design. Then carefully peel off the pink layer, leaving the black layer in the exact spot..
    hands placing the two layers of the emoji decal on yellow shirt
  • Then press your project! Make sure you are pressing according to the manufacturer's instructions for your specific HTV.
    Hands peeling back the pink layer on the emoji shirt
  • Hands pressing the pink t-shirt with an EasyPress
  • Hands pressing the black t-shirt with an EasyPress
  • Hands pressing the yellow t-shirt with an EasyPress
  • Then peel back the carrier sheet! Your instructions should say whether or not you should peel it back while it's warm or cool. If you're having trouble getting your HTV to stick properly, check out this post Tips to Get HTV Stick and Last Longer.
    hands peeling back the final jack-o-lantern design
  • hands peeling back the final skeleton design
  • Hands peeling back the black layer of the emoji shirt
  • For the emoji, you'll need to add your second layer and press again, peeling back the carrier sheet when you're done.
    Hands peeling back the pink layer on the emoji shirt
  • Hands peeling back the pink layer of the emoji shirt
  • And...that's it! Your Halloween costume shirts are done!
    Pink t-shirt with black glitter jack-o-lantern transfer
  • Black t-shirt with rainbow skeleton transfer
  • Yellow t-shirt with emoji transfer