Fold two sheets of tissue paper in half.
Fold in half again.
Find the corner with all of the lose edges (no folds) and fold it over to the far edge to create a triangle. Trim off the excess (you could turn the excess into fun confetti!).
Find the folded edge of your stack, and cut through it, making eight separate layers of paper.
Do this with each of the colors. To create the tri-color firework, do three sheets of each color, stacked on top of each other. You can play around with different combinations to get the different styles as shown in the final photo.
Fold your stack into an accordion. doing six folds.
Staple in the center of your accordion.
Cut fringe on either end of the stack of papers -- five cuts usually does the trick.
Pulling from the inside of each sheet of tissue paper, gently fluff each layer, trying not to rip the tissue paper. Once you have them fluffed, flip them over, grab them by the stapled center, and shake them around a bit to really get them to fluff.
So easy and fun, right? All of the fireworks in the photos were made out of one package of tissue paper in each color.