Spray paint your embroidery hoops black and allow to dry completely. These were spray painted with black chalk paint without realizing it, but really love the matte look of the chalk paint with these hoops!Use some sticky washi tape to adhere the yarn to the hoop, When you put the outer hoop back on, it hides the tape completely and secures the yarn. Start by creating the yarn pieces that stretch the diameter of the circle. You can make them pretty tight -- it's easier to work with the yarn when it is stretched tighter.
To secure the yarn, knot a small piece around the middle of the whole thing, and trim the ends (not too short, because the knot will come undone).
Then start to weave your web. Tie off one end of a piece of yarn, and then work around the circle, tying a square knot at each piece of yarn.
Found that it worked best when getting that yarn tight. Tie off the yarn once you make it all the way around the circle.
Then repeat with another row or rows of yarn, to finish weaving your web. Add the outer hoop back on and tighten.
To make a spider, first remember that a spider has eight legs, not six.Cut four 4" lengths of black pipe cleaner and shape them into "M"s. Use another 4" length of pipe cleaner to secure around the middle of the "M"s and spread out the spider's legs. Easy!
Attach your spider to the hoop by bending one leg to hook over the yarn. You could secure with a little glue if you'd like.
If you have more than one hoop, try out different styles of webs, like this offset web.