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Four snowflake infusible ink coasters
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Need a place to set down that mug of hot cocoa or mulled wine? Make these bright and cheery snowflake Christmas coasters using Cricut Infusible Ink!
Keyword: Coasters, Infusible Ink, Snowflake
Author: Cori George



  • Upload the file to Cricut Design Space.
    Two snowflake designs in Cricut Design Space
  • Cut the coasters from Infusible Ink sheets.
    A close up of a piece of infusible Ink transfer sheet loaded into a Cricut machine
  • Weed out the negative space on your coaster.
    Person's hands weeding a snowflake from an infusible Ink transfer sheet
  • Create a stack to transfer your coaster: pressing mat, transfer with the color side up, coaster with the shiny side down, butcher paper.
    A close up of a piece of white cardstock paper on a Cricut Mat with an off-shite coaster on top of the paper
  • Press for 240 seconds with your EasyPress 2 set at 400°
    A Cricut EasyPress pressing a design
  • Wait for coasters to cool and you're done!
    Need a place to set down that mug of hot cocoa or mulled wine? Make these bright and cheery snowflake Christmas coasters using Cricut Infusible Ink!