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Gnome pillow on blue couch
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Everyone needs to go gnome for the holidays! Make this Gnome Sweet Gnome pillow using felt or iron on vinyl, cut on your Cricut. This gnome pillow is perfect for a cozy Christmas couch!
Keyword: Felt, Gnome, Pillow
Servings: 0
Author: Cori George



  • Wool Blend Felt red, teal, white, black, tan
  • HeatnBond medium or light
  • 18" Pillow Cover
  • 18" Pillow Insert / Form


  • Upload the file to Cricut Design Space and resize.
    Cricut Design Space: gnome on Canvas
  • Cut felt and HeatnBond to match the sizes of your gnome pieces.
    Image of the HeatnBond pieces with the felt pieces being used to create a Gnome Pillow
  • Iron the HeatnBond to the felt pieces.
    Hands of woman ironing
  • Cut the gnome pieces from felt.
    Felt being cut on the Cricut Maker
  • Remove the HeatnBond backing.
    Displaying the cut out felt pieces used for the Gnome pillow with woman peeling peel back the backing sheet on the HeatnBond to reveal the shiny, heat-reactive adhesive
  • Adhere your gnome pieces to the pillowcase.
    Hands of woman ironing the gnome felt pieces to the pillow
  • Enjoy this little cozy guy sitting on your sofa!
    Gnome pillow on blue couch.