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Brightly colored paper Christmas stars hanging over white wall
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Make these sweet DIY paper Christmas stars using cardstock and your Cricut Maker, Cricut Explore, or Cricut Joy! Perfect for ornaments, hanging from the mantel, or adding as gift toppers.
Keyword: Christmas, Ornament, Paper
Author: Cori George




  • Let's start by uploading the file to Cricut Design Space (learn more about uploading files if you need help).
    DS - Paper Star on Canvas
  • Start by selecting the image and clicking Ungroup at the top of the Layers Panel (the two overlapping squares). This will make it easier to work with the individual pieces.
    DS - Paper Star images ungrouped
  • If you have a Cricut Maker or a Cricut Explore, click on the four horizontal lines that intersect the diamond pieces and change them to score lines. The easiest way to do this is by clicking on each layer in the Layers Panel and then selecting Score from the Operation dropdown in the Edit bar at the top. You'll know you've done it correctly if the lines turn into dashed lines. If you have a Cricut Joy, delete those lines entirely.
    DS - Paper Stars with lines changed to score
  • Then you'll need to attach that score line to each diamond. Select the score line and the diamond and click Attach at the bottom of the Layers panel. Do this for each of the diamonds.
  • If you'd like, resize or re-color your image. Duplicate for more stars if you'd like. So in this instance six stars are being made, two in each color. And a smaller and larger one in each color was made.
    DS - Paper Stars duplicated and more colors
  • Once you're ready, click Make It in the upper right.
    In the Prepare Screen you'll see all of your mats with your stars. If you see a white mat with score lines and no shapes, go back and try attaching your files properly. Click Continue.
    DS - Prepare screen with stars on canvas
  • In the Make Screen, set your material to cardstock.
    DS - Make It Screen with Cardstock selected.
  • If you're using the Scoring Stylus in your Cricut Maker or Explore, insert that into clamp A and your Cricut will score and then cut your project. If you're using the Scoring Wheel in your Cricut Maker, remove your blade and insert the Scoring Wheel into Clamp B. Once it's done scoring, you'll swap it out for the blade and your Cricut will cut your project.
    Pieces of the star cut out and scored
  • Once you have your pieces, assembly is easy. Just fold the diamond pieces in half along the crease line.
    Hands folding the diamond piece
  • And then insert the "V" you just made onto the main star piece using the slit.
    Hands adding the diamond pieces to the main star piece
  • Repeat for every other point of the star and you're done!
    Hands holding the finished star
  • To hang, you can use a hole punch at top of one of your points (you could even add a hole in Cricut Design Space before cutting if you'd like!). Tie some twine, thread, or ribbon and you're good to go!
    Brightly colored paper Christmas stars hanging over white wall